Organic Juice Pack - 5 units
Organic Juice Pack - 5 units

Organic Juice Pack - 5 units

€19,43 EUR
€24,15 EUR
Promotional Pack of 5 Maya Organic Juices

Discover freshness and authentic flavour with our exclusive pack of 5 100% natural juices from the Maya brand. Each juice has been carefully made with selected organic fruits to offer you a unique and healthy flavour experience.

  1. Apple Juice : A refreshing classic, full of natural flavour and freshness. Perfect to start the day with energy or enjoy at any time.

  2. Beet Juice : With a smooth and delicate flavor, this juice is an excellent option for those looking for a nutritious drink full of antioxidants.

  3. Cherry and Apple Juice : The perfect combination of the sweetness of the cherry and the freshness of the apple, for a softer and fruitier flavor, ideal for any occasion.

  4. Cornelian Cherry and Apple Juice : Enjoy a unique flavour thanks to the Cornelian cherry, with a delicate touch that perfectly complements the natural acidity of the apple.

  5. Blackberry and Apple Juice : A refreshing mix that combines the intensity of blackberry with the softness of apple. Perfect for lovers of the most exotic fruit flavors.

This pack of 5 juices is ideal for lovers of natural, healthy and flavourful drinks. Take advantage of our promotion and enjoy the purity of Maya's organic juices!

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When you buy directly from us, we want you to be 100% happy with your purchase experience. We hope you love everything you receive from us, but if you’re less than 100% satisfied, you may return or exchange any item(s) within 30 days after your purchase. Please a contact customer service team member if your order is unsatisfactory or doesn’t suit your needs. We want to make it right for you, as quickly and easily as possible
  • Step 1
    Fill out the return info on the back of your order form. Can’t find your order form? Download a copy of the return form. Want to exchange it for a different product? Let us know within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Step 2
    Return the order yourself via USPS, FedEx or any other traceable method. We encourage you to insure your package. Please send it to: Gaiam Attention: Returns 9107 Meridian Way, West Chester, OH 45069
Please allow 14 days for us to receive and process your return. Original shipping and handling fees are not refundable. We'll credit or refund the value of the items returned and any taxes you were charged less the original shipping charges. Please contact Customer Relations for more information regarding our return policies. Credit card adjustments should appear within two billing cycles.

Maya is OrganicHealthyReal food