Green tea with Jasmine

€2,47 EUR
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Price with VAT (10%) 0.22 €

Our Jasmine Green Tea is an elegant combination of high-quality organic green tea and delicate jasmine flowers, creating a smooth and fragrant infusion that provides multiple health benefits.

  • Rich in antioxidants : Green tea is known for its powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from damage and aging.
  • Promotes weight loss : Green tea can stimulate metabolism and support fat burning, helping in weight control.
  • Improves cardiovascular health : Regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol levels and blood circulation.
  • Natural relaxant : The aroma of jasmine has calming effects, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Immune system support : The properties of green tea help strengthen the body's natural defenses.
  • Skin Benefits : Antioxidants in green tea help maintain healthy skin, promoting a youthful and radiant appearance.

Enjoy this delicious and aromatic blend that not only delights the senses, but also helps you take care of your health naturally.

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Maya is OrganicHealthyReal food