€4,36 EUR
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Price with VAT (10%) 0.44 €


  • Ecological
  • Vegan




Compostable capsules of naturally roasted coffee, 100% Arabica.

Compatible with Nespresso®* machines.

A coffee with outstanding sweetness, medium acidity and caramel flavour. With a silky and broad mouthfeel, with a pronounced aftertaste.

Coffee from Santos, Brazil. 100% naturally roasted Arabica.

Compostable capsule with TUV certification. Place in the organic waste container.

All capsule components are compostable, comply with EN-13432 and are certified by OKCOMPOST. Under industrial composting conditions, they degrade completely.

BRAZIL is the largest producer of coffee in the world. The most prized Arabica variety grown there is the “Santos”, with soft characteristics, exquisite flavour, fine quality, and creamy appearance. It is known by the name of Santos, since this high-quality coffee is shipped through the port of Santos.

Grown by the Coopfam cooperative, which was born from the idea of ​​producers who wanted to do things differently and thus have a better life. It grew based on family values ​​and the principle that what is good for one person, must be good for all.

Its aim is to care for people and relationships, seeking real benefits for all, and working to improve the quality of production, products and the lives of hundreds of families.


Fair Trade organic ground coffee with natural roast.

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Maya is OrganicHealthyReal food